Predicting Susceptibility to Social Bots

Predicting Susceptibility to Social Bots on Twitter

Predicting Susceptibility to Social Bots on Twitter examined whether personality traits and Twitter activity played a role in a Twitter users likelihood to interact with an automated bot.


Wald, R., Khoshgoftaar, T.M., Napolitano, A. and Sumner, C., 2013, November. Which Users Reply to and Interact with Twitter Social Bots?. In2013 IEEE 25th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence(pp. 135-144). IEEE. Paper via IEEE | Google Scholar

Presentation Slides:

Predicting Susceptibility  to Social Bots on Twitter.  Presented at DEF CON 21 (Las Vegas, Aug 2013), BlackHat USA (Las Vegas, Aug 2013), AAAI Spring Symposium Series (Stanford, Palo Alto, Mar 2014).  Presentation slides


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